Ware houses Njiro Block C

Ware houses located at Njiro Industrial Area . They are very clean, have bore hole water and enough space for parking. It is about 2km from Njiro Complex. Clean and paved road which helping truck to offload smoothly. the ware houses are surrounded by the electric fence and guards with the Germany shepherd dog guards during the night. Every ware house with the excess of the clean water. Truck can easily go around the ware house and get to the gate easily with no need of reversing. Any of the interested client kindly call Arusha awesome Homes for view the property. Size which is easily available is 1200 meters square but more space can be available as it can be opened to another one.

Jerry Mboya is known to many for providing quality, comfortable and secure accommodation for individuals and families. As The Managing Director of ArushaHomes, He has been active in the Real Estate World for more than 16 years and has built a solid network of business associates and friends in Arusha. Jerry has a fantastic track record from clients and he has built his reputation through referrals by providing great service. He believes that it is only someone who knows Arusha like the back of their hand, who can show you the real Arusha.